Saturday, May 4, 2013

Those who know her, know that Ange Uwimana is a very busy girl who often finds herself overcommitted with waaaay too much going on in her young life. She seems to dip her fingers into just about every pot offered to her, especially when it comes to academics. But her recent essay,* “Changing the World Through Education” gives us a front-row seat to the reason for her busyness: Ange wants to change the world! To her already long list of credentials (Princess Academy graduate, “A.M.P. First Prize Winner,” CALEB-The Science Club leader, G.I.R.L.S. Group member, pastor’s daughter), she can now add, “Award-Winning Essayist!” Copied below is the First-Prize-Winning essay she recently wrote for her West Junior High School English class.  -Granny Pam


Changing the World With My Education
By Ange Uwimana

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 
-Nelson Mandela

       Nelson Mandela’s words inspired me to pursue the highest level of education possible, and for me, the highest level is M.D and P.H.D. I believe that education will not only change me, but the people around me. It will take hard work, determination, and discipline to get both degrees. It may mean long hours in the library, little time for T.V., and not being able to hang out with friends, but these sacrifices will be well worth it in the end, because I will be able to  help many others as a medical doctor.

       I want to become a family doctor and travel to poor counties where there are few doctors so that I can help those in need and those who can’t effort medical care. But I know that to achieve these big goals, I have many years of school ahead of me. “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” (Aristotle)  I want to be well-educated so that when I am treating my patients, I will be able to help them because of the knowledge I gain during years of education. Yes, I know that I have a long way to go, but I know that the fruits of that long journey will be “sweet,” which is why I must avoid negative, distractive people and negative relationships that may take me off of the only path that will prepare me for a career as a medical doctor. Although I am still a high school student, I know that I am capable of reaching my goals.

       Sometimes I wonder, “What’s the point of working hard and getting all of those degrees if I`m not going to use them to help others?” There is a wise saying that asks, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”-(Holy Bible). I don’t want to have a bunch of degrees just to hang in my office!  I want to use my education to help others and change their world. Moving from a different country [Rwanda], my whole world changed as people helped me. I want to change people`s worlds too! Like Nelson Mandela, I always want to challenge myself to gain that most powerful weapon, EDUCATION.    

*Ange Uwimana’s essay won the $100 first prize!

Ange wearing an outfit from her home country of Rwanda
Ange, top left with nursing student interns and Granny's House friends
With Shy-leah Jones before their Mom's Banquet performances
First Prize A.M.P Award (AMP: Academic Motivation Program)
Ange, fourth from left, at G.I.L.S. Group event
Hanging out after a recent CALEB-The Science Club meeting
With Starr at a G.I.R.L.S. Group day-long retreat at the Lake
Ange, second from right, with student interns and friends at Granny's House

1 comment:

  1. Ange is truly a special lady. We wish she were still able to come out to Crosswind and ride with the Spirit Riders. We could tell then she was headed for great things! We love you Ange!
